Attributes That Affect the Choice of Treatment for Preschool Age Children Who Stutter: An Observational Study

Introduction: Little is known about the clinical decision-making process that speech-language pathologists (SLPs) make when they decide which treatment approach they will use with preschool age children who stutter (PCWS). Frequently used approaches are the Lidcombe Program, RESTART-DCM, Mini-KIDS, the Palin Parent-Child Interaction program, and the Social Cognitive Behavior Therapy. In this study, we explored which attributes play a role in the complex process that precedes this clinical decision. We also explored if SLPs from the Netherlands, who are expected to follow the recommendations formulated in the Dutch professional stuttering guidelines, use different treatment approaches than SLPs from Belgium, who do not have specific guidelines to follow. Finally, we explored whether the number of years of experience of SLPs had an impact on the choice for treatment.
Methods: This study used an observational design in which 36 SLPs, additionally qualified in the treatment of stuttering, completed a questionnaire. The SLPs spoke Dutch, resided in the Netherlands or Belgium, and used more than one treatment approach for PCWS in their standard practice.
Results: The following attributes affected the choice for treatment approach of most SLPs: (1) the child’s reactions to the stuttering, (2) the child’s language (and speech) skills, (3) the child’s age, (4) the family’s lifestyle, (5) the parent’s ease to understand a treatment approach as judged by the SLPs, and (6) the amount and quality of published research-based evidence. The decision-making of experienced SLPs is significantly more affected by the child’s stuttering severity and time since onset compared to less experienced SLPs (both U = 90, p = 0.05). Dutch SLPs did not take other attributes into account than Belgian SLPs.
Discussion/Conclusion: This study was a first attempt to explore which attributes affect the decision for a specific treatment. Further prospective research is needed.
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