Neuropsychological Differences between the Unilateral and Bilateral Tinnitus Participants with Normal Hearing

Introduction: This paper attempts to describe the neuropsychological differences between subgroups of tinnitus with normal hearing.
Methods: The study compared 150 normal-hearing participants with and without tinnitus in the 18–55 age-group. The participants completed nine neuropsychological tests, namely, Rey’s auditory verbal learning test (RAVLT), Rey complex figure test (RCFT), digit vigilance test (DVT), Verbal N-back test (N Back), controlled oral word association test (COWA), animal names test (ANT), digit symbol substitution test (DSST), Wechsler digit span test (DST), and Stroop test.
Results: Poor verbal memory was demonstrated by a unilateral tinnitus group (p = 0.0001) for the total RAVLT score, immediate score, delayed recall, hits, and omissions). Significant deficits were observed in working memory functioning by the unilateral and bilateral tinnitus participants (p < 0.001) for one-back and two-back hit and error scores). In addition, there was a significant impairment in the auditory attention of single-sided tinnitus participants (p < 0.03, 0.02). Selective attention was affected in bilateral tinnitus participants (p < 0.05).
Discussion/Conclusion: Tinnitus, whether unilateral or bilateral, has an effect on working memory. The RAVLT and DST results, on the other hand, demonstrated that unilateral tinnitus suffers from significant deficits in auditory memory and attention, whereas bilateral tinnitus suffers from selective attention issues. When treating individuals with unilateral and bilateral tinnitus, these findings must be addressed.
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